This covers all activities associated with the Xscapes Room. Be sure to read each statement.
I hereby agree to the following:
That I am participating in this activity offered by Southern Tier Independence Center during which I receive information about healthy and safe practice. I recognize that these activities require physical exertion, which may be strenuous and could result in physical injury, and I am fully aware of the risks ad hazards involved.
I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which I might incur as a result of participating.
In further consideration of being permitted to participate, I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against Southern Tier Independence Center for injury or damages that I may sustain as a result of participating in this program.
I have read the above release waiver of liability and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily agree to its contents. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
Escape Room Rules
Once you’ve entered the escape room, the door you’ve entered through will remain unlocked for safety reasons, and is labeled from the inside as Emergency Exit Only. Attempting to leave the room through this exit is only permitted for emergencies. Once the countdown clock has begun, you will have an allotted time to find clues and solve puzzles to find the way out of the room or rooms. If after the allotted time you have not been successful with exiting all doors that were locked in game play, Xscapes staff will come into the escape room and assist all players with exit from that point.
During game play in our escape rooms, nothing needs to be broken or forced open, so have fun but please don’t destroy the props for future gamers. Our games are about finesse not strength, and remember to use you brain not your brawn. Do not remove anything from the rooms and please leave keys in locks once challenge has been completed. Anything that is broken or removed from the room during game play, as well as any damage which forces us to close the escape room for any length of time will be charged to the group and split between all registered players for that booking appointment. Please follow all written and verbal instructions our game masters provide prior to entering our rooms; they are for your safety, not to trick you. Remember, safety first, to ensure a fun experience for all attendees. If we observe any potentially risky or unruly behavior, we will enter the room and stop the game immediately, and no refunds will be granted. If you are removed from the attraction, there will be no refunds or re-admissions for any reason. We reserve the right to remove any patron at any time for any reason without notice.
135 E Frederick St. Binghamton, NY
Call Us
(607) 760-3322